What is it like to be a dramaturg?

Report during the Fabulation for Future conference. September 2021 Exploring the dramaturgy of things I refer explicitly to the paper by Thomas Nagel “What is it like to be a bat”. The dramaturg is seen as a strange animal. The problem is here how we can be conscious to be dramaturges and to practice dramaturgy… Continue reading What is it like to be a dramaturg?

Before the pandemic

It has been a long time since I last posted something. September was a pretty full month: the conference Fabulation for Future (my very first conference as a speaker!), a 5-days-workshop about the programming language P5, the Festival Venere in Teatro in Venice and Wam! in Faenza, which I co-curated, and on the top of… Continue reading Before the pandemic

Das Ding dingt

Recently I have been busy with things. What are “things”? Where do they come from? A bottle? A piece of paper? A pen? A shoe? A stone? A tree? Dead leaves? Ideas? Screens? Words tipped on a smartphone? Movements? Directions?  Is time a thing? Are algorithms things? Some do think things “thing”. That is: to… Continue reading Das Ding dingt

What is for you dance dramaturgy?

During the month of August 2021 I had the chance to organize a first attempt of dramaturgy workshop within a research context. As preliminary assignment, I asked the participants to come with five keywords they could instinctively connect to the practice of dance dramaturgy. Here is what they come up with. I grouped them in… Continue reading What is for you dance dramaturgy?


Transcription As I was trying to figure out the form this digital toolkit could take, I focused on the scope of this research: the analysis of how dramaturgy emerges from the digitally mediated sharing of artistic processes in dance.  I eventually realized that one of the main characteristics of sharing one’s own artistic process was… Continue reading Exposed